The museum is situated in the former Coach House on the grounds of the Katanning Baptist Church and Conference Centre, Brownie Street Katanning. The extensive memorabilia collection and the Coach House are maintained by the Old Kobeelyans’ Association Inc.
The access to the museum and St Michael and All Angels Chapel is possible due to the kind generosity of the Katanning Baptist Church community.
In 2023, the museum is open on the 1st Saturday of each month in the afternoons from 1.30pm – 2.30pm.
Check the Kobeelya School Museum Facebook page for last minute changes to the opening hours.
If this time is not suitable, please contact:
- Old Kobeelyans’ Association Inc.
June: 0409 298 050
Jill: 0427 854 249
- Heather McCarthy
Kobeelya Conference Centre
Ph: (08) 98 212 214
0434 313 689
- Join Kartanup Tours
Customised tours are available which include Kobeelya
Contact Peter: 0427 208 878