Celebrating 100 Years of Kobeelya
If you would like to have a unique and lasting record of your time at Kobeelya please fill out the form below. You can use your maiden name, married name or both. You can record the dates you were at school. The engraved bricks will be placed at the front of the museum.
Cost per brick $50
Offer extended but must close on 30 NOVEMBER 2023
If you would like to have a lasting legacy of your horse (or horses) at Kobeelya please download the form here. Payment details are on the form. Please make sure you post or email your form to Linda as soon as you have made payment.
Cost per brick $50
Offer must close on 30 NOVEMBER 2023
Note: For brick form queries, please contact: okapresident@kobeelya.com
Payment Options
1. Pay by Direct Deposit
Direct Transfer Details
Bank – Westpac BSB – 036033 A/C – 181607
A/C Name – Old Kobeelyans’ Association
Reference: Name and Brick
2. Pay by Credit Card
Reference: Name and Brick
Payment for brick order ($50) for a unique and lasting record of your time at Kobeelya.
NOTE: Total amount includes a surcharge fee for credit card purchases.
3. Pay by Cheque
Cheques payable to:
Old Kobeelyans’ Association
Post to: Linda Broadhurst
184 Pinetree Gully Road
NOTE: For difficulties in payment or other problems with your eticket purchase, please contact okasupport@kobeelya.com
Offline Registration
If you opt to register offline, you can download a copy of the form here and fill it out.
Send us a copy of your filled out registration form to the return address below with your cheque payment.
Old Kobeelyans’ Association Inc.
Post to : Linda Broadhurst
184 Pinetree Gully Road